Delicious Product Cards With Add and Remove Ingredient Feature
Product cards in the menu are a crucial component of a restaurant website, especially for delivery and takeaway orders. They play a vital role in enticing visitors to try your food. With our website builder, you can create product cards that are both informative and interactive, allowing your guests to customize the ingredients.​
Add ingredients feature
Remove ingredients feature
See How Product Cards Work on Real-World Websites
The Chatty Bean Cafe
Cafe website with online orders and shop
Amore Pizzeria
Pizzeria website with online orders and detailed product card
Savor Restaurant
Restaurant website with online orders and blog
Koi Nori
Sushi restaurant website with online orders and pop-up product card
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Unlock Your Restaurant's Potential with Umbi Space
Your Own Domain
Delicious Product Cards
Restaurant Blog
SEO Features
Restaurant Website
Video widget block
Restaurant website templates